Your local commissioners
- Richard Estes (Chairperson) (County)
- Nora Lacayo (Vice Chairperson) (City)
- Ellen Nealy (Treasurer) (City)
- William Woodard (Secretary) (City)
- Trevor Brown (Media Contact) (County)
- Marie Gamble (County)
- Tenoeda Yarbrough (County)
- Donnie Dickerson (County)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are “human rights”?
Human Rights are the inalienable rights of every human alive in the world. These rights include, but are not limited to:
- Life
- Liberty
- Freedom
- Nationality
- Health
- Housing
- Work
- Education
- Culture
- Peaceful Assembly
For an extensive list of human rights, see the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Who is protected under human rights?
All humans, regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, etc., are protected under human rights.
What is a “human rights violation”?
Human Rights Violations are actions by someone that inhibit another’s ability to exercise their personal human rights. These violations include, but are not limited to:
- Unsafe Living Conditions
- Unlawful Eviction
- Under Compensation (based on minimum wage)
- Arbitrary and Unlawful Imprisonment, Arrest, or Exile
- Slavery
- Torture
- Involuntary Marriage
For an extensive list of human rights violations, see this webpage from Human Rights Careers.
What does the Russellville-Logan County Human Rights Commission do?
Our commission is focused on helping get people to the resources they need, in order to pursue human rights violations. We listen to complaints, direct people to the appropriate resources, and provide certain resources within our purview (e.g. secured meeting spaces, assistance with filling out documentation)
What does the commission NOT do?
Our commission does not personally investigate instances of human rights violations. We also do not publicize instances of human rights violations. If a complaint is brought to the commission, we enter a closed meeting with all commissioners and the complainant.
When does the commission meet?
The commission generally meets on the second Monday of every month, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, at the Logan County Chamber of Commerce in Russellville. The public is invited to attend our meetings. Please check our “Calendar of Events” for the most up-to-date information regarding our meetings and other events.
How do I pursue justice for human rights violations?
There are a number of ways you can pursue justice when you have experienced a human rights violation:
- Contact our commission (see “Contact Us” below, or attend one of our meetings).
- File a Complaint with the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights (see “Resources” below).
- Consult a local attorney.
Calendar of Events
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
United Nations - Global Issues - Human Rights
Neighboring Commissions
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 1002
Russellville, KY 42276